Technology Trends

There is no denying of the fact that we are in a stage of industrial revolution where technology is evolving faster than ever. The people in today's word and the companies who fail to keep an eye on the technology trends of today's world might risk their future. With the help of these technologies which are going to take over the world in the coming period one can benefit and proactively think about taking benefit from it coming time.
So, here i am with the five most trending technologies of today's world.

Let's begin with :

Artificial Intelligence & Emotional Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Emotional Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, a word that has been in trend from quiet a time now and known mostly to all the humans around. Giving a small definition
"Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions"
Being much familiar with AI, it has become a part of our everyday's life after the inventions of models like Apple's Siri, Google Assistant , Cortana etc. All of it has already taken a physical form now and are being used round the world.
The next stage of AI that is surely a trend now is the Emotional Artificial Intelligence or just Emotional AI. Defining it in short.
"A subset of artificial intelligence that measures, understands, simulates, and reacts to human emotions."
In 2020, the next stage of digital evolution we are more likely to see interfaces with emotional intelligence having some intuitive cognitive ability that has the power to transform business across the globe in some ways unpredictable now.
Emotional AI are being used in today's world, one example of it is presented here.
An Emotion AI-driven technology for mental health is a wearable device developed at the MIT Media Lab that monitors a person’s heartbeat to tell whether they are experiencing something like stress, pain, or frustration. The monitor then releases a scent to help the wearer adjust to the negative emotion they’re having at that moment.
The BioEssence wearable detects stress or pain and releases a scent to help the wearer adjust to the negative emotion.
Credit: BioEssence / Judith Amores
Media Lab researchers also built an algorithm using phone data and a wearable device, that predicts varying degrees of depression.
Overall it's important to remember if Emotional AI used thoughtfully can help to reap ultimate benefits of technology

5th Generation Network

Image source : Samsung Newsroom

The 5th generation of super fast network is going to provide us all with super-fast download and uploads with a connection with better stability. The competition on who will be able to provide 5G network connectivity to the  mass population has been seen between China and US.
2020 will see a rise in 5G service across the globe as more of manufactures are coming out with 5G ready smartphones and world's largest network providers and telecommunication companies have started testing 5G networks and keep their deployment of 5G technology on pace to meet goals. 
Implementing 5G across the world will bring higher broadband speeds along with more reliable wireless and mobile networks.
Available for the first time in 2019, 5G networks were expensive and the areas serving the network was limited. We can expect 2020 to increase the areas of 5G networks and more affordable plans.
The increased bandwidth will enable machines, robots, and autonomous vehicles to collect and transfer more data than ever and contribute in making world more and more advanced in technology and will prove as a great help to businesses and companies.

Autonomous Driving

Autonomous Driving Technology

Autonomous Vehicles also knows as self driving vehicles has been a hot topic from some time now as it has been in it's testing phase in few countries by technology giants like Google, Tesla also comes in head when speaking about autonomous vehicles.
Tesla chief Elon Musk has said he expects his company to create a truly “complete” autonomous vehicle by this year, and the number of vehicles capable of operating with a lesser degree of autonomy – such as automated braking and lane-changing – will become an increasingly common sight.
Also when it comes to Google,
Google's sister-company Waymo has just completed a trial of autonomous taxis in California, where it transported more than 6200 people in the first month. 
We can also expect this Autonomous technology in various shipping and trucks apart from just cars. Although the Autonomous Driving tech sounds amazing, but before getting practical various laws and legislatures needs to be changed and acknowledge the safety risks and the attitude towards the self driving vehicles needs some change as well.


Blockchain Technology
Source : Forbes

Blockchain, a technology which has not gained much fame in all the years but it has been used since 1980s. Before diving deep into it let's just know what blockchain actually is.
Blockchain,sometimes also known as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), allows one to look and change any asset without altering the original asset, the technology behind it is decentralization and cryptographic hashing.
A very basic example that will help you understand the analogy of Blockchain is Google Doc. For an example, let's consider creating a Google Doc and sharing it. What actually happens here is instead of document being copied, the document is distributed or transferred to clients or whosoever. This creates a decentralized distribution chain that gives everyone access to the document at the same time. No one is locked out awaiting changes from another party, while all modifications to the doc are being recorded in real-time, making changes completely transparent.
Blockchain was invented by a person (or group of people) using the name Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 to serve as the public transaction ledger of the cryptocurrency bitcoin. The invention of the blockchain for bitcoin made it the first digital currency to solve the double-spending problem without the need of a trusted authority or central server.
The whole point of using a blockchain is to let people — in particular, people who don't trust one another — share valuable data in a secure, tamper-proof way.
— MIT Technology Review
 In 2020, it is likely to see major institutions introducing blockchain to prevent large-scale information leakage and Internet fraud. China has already introduced blockchain technology in services like ICBC (China Industrial and Commercial Bank), Alibaba Group, China Southern Airlines, etc.
So keeping in mind the fact that Blockchain is a technology that will allow people, business, institutions to communicate securely, and verifiably, all the while doing a great job of preventing malicious acts during data transfer. We can expect in year 2020, Blockchain comes in for a more practical use.

Extended Reality

Extended Reality

Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term encapsulating Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), and everything in between.
Source : Qualcomm
Extended Reality, a catchy term all over the world right now, which interests most of the geeks. We already have been experiencing Virtual Reality(VR) in the form of VR boxes, where one gets to enter a computer generated world. Augmented Reality(AR) has also now come in existence in which a computer generated object can been seen in real world with the help of smartphone, it uses computer algorithms and graphics to create an object and the Camera of your smartphone to capture the real world. Both comes together to form a Augmented Reality experience. Whereas, Mixed Reality can be the combination of AR and VR where one can interact with the objects seen in VR or AR.
Now imagine of an Extended Reality(XR) where one can experience being at a place without actually being present there. The experience is created by blending in the real and virtual world together.
The practical usage of Extended Reality still involves lots of research, as XR technologies collect and process huge amounts of very detailed and personal data about what you do, what you look at, and even your emotions at any given time, which has to be protected.

The year 2020 can see a big technology advancement and we will try to bring you all the trends here directly.
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