Mystery of Kim Jong Un disappearance and why do we care for North Korea? 

North Korea supreme leader was last seen on 11th April but suddenly disappearance news started spreading all over the social media, American media covered closely but couldn’t get the insights because of the tight rein. Since then, speculation about his disappearance started, especially when he wasn't seen on 15th April - the birth anniversary of North Korea’s Founder( his grandfather)  
Well, as Shehar Gupta in his cut the clutter relates 3 idiot's film song - ‘Bheti Hawa Sa Tha Wo… Kaha Gaya Use Dhundo’ Why countries are worried about such a small country and a young leader? 

Even Donald Trump stated to the media on Monday about the small country and his flanking moves-
“I can’t tell you exactly,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “Yes, I do have a very good idea, but I can’t talk about it now. I just wish him well.”
Kim Jong-un’s absence since 11th April, when he led a party politburo meeting, has generated several theories, including that he is dead or gravely ill, that he is on holiday, or even that he self-isolating from a coronavirus outbreak that the North Korean media continues to insist has not affected the country.

What happened in past?

He is the youngest leader serving the nuisance state of the longest-serving dynasty, non-royal dynasty in the world. His grandfather took over north Korea in 1958 - Kim I Sung, later on, his father Kim Jong II took over North Korea and then Kim Jong Un. 
We have had seen such mysteries earlier by leaders to disappear and bounce back to media. Nobody knows what happens in the country because of strict rules.

Why should we bother for North Korea?

It’s a very small country with around 2 crore people living there just the half of South Korea and expanded as big as Bihar in India. Why do we bother about basket economy?

Its economic destructed country rules by the family from past many years who have destroyed the economy with closed borders with other countries for trading and business.

Korea has a history just like Germany when Soviet, America, UN forces and armies fought together which later end up in non-war peace treaty. After that South Korea developed manufacturing plants, automobile industry bolstered the economy to become the powerhouse of Asia. On the other hand, North Korea developed at a very slow pace but allied to develop Missile Technology that became their major export. Speculations say

“ The long history of the Pakistan-North Korea Nexus”

Reads the headline from a newspaper, Pakistan imported missile for a shipload of rice, some say Abdul Kadir Khan bartered weapons technology. North Korea now claims to reach as far as America which bother’s neighbour and other countries of his disappearance.  

What is a nuisance state?

North Korea and Iran are two countries who have sanctions and are blacklisted by FATF. North Korea always try to explore more in missiles and weapons to strengthens country for warlike situation. Donald Trump had two summit with North Korea to have good relations and hold North Korea's missile test.

Countries like Japan and South Korea at proximity with North Korea are worried and keep a close watch on activities by special intelligence. 

Kim Jong Un seen inaugrating fertilizer factory

Recent News again spread all over the internet that he reappeared with a flair, inaugurating by cutting the ribbon on a fertilizer factory.  

“One thing is clear ,” said one, Thae Yong-ho, a former diplomat. “He cannot stand up by himself or walk properly .”
Shekhar Gupta state one great fiction book - back in 1830  ( Dominique Lapierre and larry collins) wrote a novel  “Fifth Horseman” How Gaddafi got a bunch of terrorist and plant bomb in manhattan and tells America to vacate all Iraq territory, Don't worry - this was just a novel later on in an interview Gaddafi agreed to read this novel with a smile for a great idea to fight against the enemy. 

An Article by Aviral Jain

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