Boost your creativity

Wondering on how to boost your creativity? And also you say you don’t have enough time for that. That’s totally fine, because here listed below are few activities that require as less as 10 minutes in a day. If done daily or if you take out just 10 minute from your daily routine to accomplish these one or more tasks, it will highly benefit you in all aspects of your life.
Before jumping into the article let’s first know this Creativity is a skill that you can work on with time, training, and effort.
You can anytime engage in some creative exercises that will not only broaden your mind but also boost your productivity throughout the day. Practice is all it needs, taking out as less as 10 minutes in a day will develop your brain and get that creative juices flowing.
"Creativity is a skill to be learned, practiced, and developed, just like any other. Juggling takes practice, as does surfing, coding, and driving a car. Creativity is no different. The more you make creativity part of your daily life, the more it will grow."

So let’s hop into it


Research in neuroscience, psychology and design has recently demonstrated that people who doodle are often better at grasping new concepts and staying focused, using the page and the pen as a means of refining creative ideas. In a cognitive study on doodling, individuals who kept their brain active through doodling while listening to lists were able to recall the lists 29% better than participants who did not.
First thing that comes out is, Doodling helps you concentrate and focus better for a long period of time. If on a call or long meeting, try sketching or anything that reflects what is in your mind. It doesn’t necessarily need to be something related to your discussion or what you are listening. This will help to keep your focus and make it easy to recall.
An article in states
“Doodling improves your ability to find novel and creative solutions to complex problem statements. The task is thought to arouse specific parts of the brain that support you in parsing information differently. Sunni Brown says that, even if you are sketching some weird stuff in your notebook, “You are lighting up different networks in the brain” and “engaging different information”. This enables you to withhold ideas just before they slip through your fingertips, allowing you retain and realize more eureka moments.”

Flash Fiction

What is flash fiction and how long is it?
The typical definition of flash fiction is a short fiction story of under 1500 words, usually under 1000 words.
Flash fiction can be very short stories with as less as 100 words. Writing a whole story that requires a beginning, middle and the end in such limited words will force your creative juices to flow and figure out the variations. This will help you learn how to convey necessary information in a limited space.
There are many flash fiction writing communities online. Try getting involved with a flash fiction writing community and responding to prompts and participating in contests.

Move your Body/Walk

On an average, a general human being sits between 7-15 hours in a day and that’s crazy. It is not only terrible for your health but also a terrible for your Mood and creativity.
Stanford research has indicated that walking improves creative thinking. In a follow-up study, HBR found that people who take part in walking meetings are more creative and engaged.
“Walking can provide you time to think over ideas by allowing you to zone out and engage with creative thoughts. Walking will also allow you to engage with new surrounding or nature, both of which may inspire your creativity. Make a point of walking several times a week for at least fifteen minutes, or everyday if possible.”

Get a Sketch book

Drawing exercises the “right side” of your brain which not only increases concentration and mindfulness, but has been shown to also exercise your brain’s learning synapses which can literally grow your brain.
Most of us spend a huge portion of our daily lives using the “left,” analytical side of our brain to solve problems, but by doodling, you’re reaching in and exploring the “right side” from the simple marks you make on your page.
So Just start Drawing for enjoyment and reap benefits across all other activities.

Listen to Music

A lack of ideas or being unable to solve a problem can be extremely frustrating. Unless you value complete silence, music can be the thing to give your mood, and your creativity, a boost.
Simply playing music in the background can inspire you creatively. Steve Jobs used music to change his moods and keep himself creative.
Today, science research has proven the idea of music-enhanced thinking. The brain’s creativity and performance increases from the positive effects of certain frequencies, also known as, iscochronic tones and binaural beats. When listening to Mozart through stereo headphones, you quickly notice an increase in thinking and creativity.
Not every genre of music works for everyone. While classical music has beneficial effects for many, experiment a little to find the music that bests helps you concentrate and feel creative.

Bonus Tip


Reading can be related to gaining more knowledge but when it comes to creativity reading can prove to be of great help. Reading is a great way for boosting creativity, make a daily habit of reading.
Varieties of genres, different styles of writing are available for you to read which will help expand your horizons and really bolster your creativity. Try to take out some time to read daily.
Try joining a book club. This will help direct your reading if you're unsure what kinds of books to start with.

As mentioned earlier Creativity is a cognitive ability that can be developed with practice.
So keeping this in mind, one has to believe the magic of Everyday Practice that will eventually boost you in every aspect of your Life..

#Tip 101
Gained some new knowledge and want to retain it?
Remember this Advice

The Best way of learning is teaching.

They say that you remember 90% of what you learned by teaching it to someone else. Explaining your newfound knowledge to yourself and others can help to cement it in your own mind.
Picture yourself giving a Ted talk on your newly gained knowledge is the easiest way to do so if you don't have someone around to tutor.
and a pro tip - if you feel confident enough, start making video on topics you learned and post it online.

Download this image and keep it with you.
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Benefits of Doodling ?
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