what to do when bored

I’m pretty sure that till now you must have heard about various things to do when you are getting bored. But still I would highly appreciate it if you spend just a couple of minutes reading these beautiful things to do that you probably might not have heard about.
These are the ideas of Jay Shetty, I guess many of you reading this know him already. But if you don’t know him, you might want to know him.
Jay Shetty, a host, storyteller, viral content creator and an experiment Maker with millions of followers worldwide. He creates contents on wisdom, self-awareness, love & relationships and everything that helps you to lead a greater and fulfilled life.

Below listed are the 11 things to do whenever you are bored and also the story behind these 11 things on why you should do that.
  • Organize your Photo Gallery
  • Reorganize your bookshelf
  • De clutter your workspace
  • Indoor Workout
  • Virtual Dinner Date with friends
  • Meditate
  • Write a Business Plan
  • Do an Online class/Workshop
  • Game Night Virtual Competition
  • Doodle/draw/paint
  • Start that Blog/Vlog/Channel

Don’t feel the need to read all of it, if it does not resonates with you. Read the ones you feel you should read or which sparks a curiosity “Why did he say this?”
My personal recommendation would be to go through it once, I have tried to keep it as brief as possible keeping all the values.

Let’s Begin

Organize your Photo Gallery

Use this time to organize your photo gallery, create a virtual scrapbook. Organize your positive memories.
When you organize your past, it becomes useful. When you don’t organize your past it becomes an obstacle, it becomes blurry. Your past gives you an opportunity to learn from it, to feel happy, to feel joy, to feel power in your life.
And you will uncover something you forgot about, memories you don’t know you even have, you can reprocess them and now you have something meaningful to send to your friends and tell about your memory, something you did two years ago, that will help you to connect with your friends emotionally.
It is indeed a beautiful way to reconnect to ourselves.
Also it applies to your playlist, you can reorganize your Music playlist into various forms like your workout playlist, you meditation playlist, your personal favorites that sparks a joy and fills you with energy.

Reorganize your bookshelf

It gives you an opportunity to rediscover an old book, some book that was given by your parents, friends etc. It may be anywhere, in your basement, in your attic, or maybe in your living room bookshelf. You never know what book you may discover and last time you were not in the mindset to read that book recommended to you, right now you have the time to learn from it. Or just re learn and find something new in it.

De clutter your Space/ cleaning your external space

If you wake up every day and you don’t like what’s around you. If you walk into living room and don’t like the site in your living room, you are watching TV and you don’t like the clutter around you. That is causing unnecessary stress, unnecessary pressure, unnecessary pain that you can easily solve.
De cluttering your space, living in minimalism, living with essentials, cleaning your space will clean your mind. Your internal state is impacting your external state and your external state is impacting your internal state. So by simply cleaning, essentializing & simplifying your external state you feel that sense of cleanliness and clarity inside.

Indoor Workout.

A really important thing you must have heard and saw many videos online. But now when you are at home you have opportunity to work out anytime anywhere you want. You can work out many a times a day and fill yourself with all the energy you need.
It is one ultimate advice to get away from your boredom and working out physically always has a good impact internally. Your mental health is directly related to your physical health, repeat that
“Your physical health is directly related to your mental Health”
Schedule a time, so it keeps you motivated don’t just leave it on chance. When you make a plan it becomes much easier to do thing.

Connect with your loved ones/someone who needs support

It is a very powerful process to reconnect with your friend with whom you haven’t called for a while now. It is a great time to reconnect and relive.
If you want to call someone you know is lonely or someone who needs support right now, it is a wonderful way of serving. So just call your loved ones, call your friend, call someone who is struggling in this and invest yourself in that relationship. Listen to them.


You can do it with Jay. He is going live right now on various platforms Instagram, YouTube, Facebook etc. But if you missed it not to worry, you can find Jay’s live videos on YouTube.
Meditation is an all-time great practice that one should have in their routine and do it on daily basic. It is trainer of your mind. Meditation helps you in becoming aware of your true self, it gives you a wonderful opportunity to connect with yourself. It brings you peace and abundance in life.
No matter what age you are, it’s your time to meditate.

Write a Business Plan

Many of us have this in back of your mind, “I wish I had time to work on my passion, I wish I had time to build my own brand etc.” Now is the time to brainstorm new ideas. This time is a gift to think about it, it is a window of opportunity.
This is a chance to create a new strategy in your life and your career. This is a fantastic time to brainstorm new ideas, to learn new skills, to read a thesis. Don’t underestimate the time you have right now, do the research you need to do, to build the side hustle, to build your passion business.
Do it right now.

Online class/workshop

You can literally start to learn, How to edit a video, how to learn a new language. It is a great time to learn something new right now. There are lot of phenomenal resources for learning.
Learn anything you have wanted from some time now, learn things that will help you build your passion, and learn something that brings you peace. Learn.

Online Gaming

There are benefits to play.
“We don’t stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing”
After reading few researches Jay shared this. When we play, we release endorphins the positive hormones that reduce our stress, improve our brain functioning and make us feel connected.
You cam setup Zoom and play in virtual game nights. It is a beautiful way to feel connected to your friends, family and people across the world.
Play any game, whatever it is. Let your brain improve its functioning, let your body release endorphins that juices out all your stress. Play that game.


It applies to everyone not only some artists. A creative section of Vox article states the benefits of doodling, people who doodle remembers on average 29% more information, so, it is great for your memory. The repetitions that one does in Sketching actually helps relax us. Free flow journaling, free flow sketching/drawing/painting is such a powerful activity to do and you may find some hidden talent that’s the beauty of it.

Start your Blog/Vlog/video.

This is your time to start your blog, start your vlog, start shooting your videos, start writing. You have most time to think of your content, all you need is your phone.
Everything just starts with one movement.

All these things to do in your free time boosts your creativity and lead to happy life.
I am extremely grateful to Jay for sharing these amazing and beautiful ideas through his podcast.

If you want to listen to the Original Content, feel free to click on the link to Spotify below:

11 Indoor Activities To Reduce Stress, Beat Boredom & Boost Positivity
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