Dancing Pallbearer
BBC News Africa/YouTube

If you are one who spend some time online during a day, you must surely have seen this trending dancing pallbearer. But if you have no idea what i am talking about, don't worry. This article will let you know about this trend and will make your day a little bit more happy

Who are Pallbearers ?

A pallbearer is someone who help carry the casket to the funeral.
A pallbearer is one of several participants who help carry the casket at a funeral. They may wear white gloves in order to prevent damaging the casket and to show respect to the deceased person.
Traditionally, they are seen wearing gloves and dressed in uniformity during the grieving moments, however, different pallbearers follow different traditions across the globe.

 The Dancing Pallbearers

Dancing Pallbearers or Dancing Coffin refers to several videos showing Ghanian pallbearers dancing while they are carrying a coffin. In March 2020, the videos, paired with EDM song "Astronomia" by Tony Igy, gained popularity in FAIL edits.
This video from an African funeral service is tickling the funny bones of people online. In the funeral coffin dance video, the pallbearers are seen putting up an act and dancing around in synchronised steps along with the coffin, reported Metro Online. They are seen dropping to the floor, spinning around and even throwing the casket in the air. Obviously, people couldn’t resist making jokes and memes around this unusual funeral.


The first of the three most popular videos that gained popularity in connection with the trend was uploaded to YouTube

  •  One of the first references dates back to 2015. A video from the YouTube account “Travelin Sister” explains the death celebration. “I traveled to Ghana to attend the funeral for my mother-in-law and witnessed an incredible performance. Professional dancers proudly honored the “homecoming” with impressive body movement, graceful footwork, and incredible strength that would make any Ghanaian family proud.

  • Another video, a report by BBC News Africa, was uploaded to YouTube on July 27th, 2017. That video received over 681,000 views in three years. In 2017, “BBC News Africa” ​​documented the work of »the pallbearers«, which is usually a group of between four and six people, who are »raising spirits at Ghanaian funerals with extravagant dances of transporting coffins . Families are increasingly paying for their services to send loved ones in style. ”

    Benjamin Aidoo, who leads the dancing pallbearer troupe, told the broadcaster: ‘I decided to add choreography to it so if the client comes to us, we just ask them: “Do you want it solemn or do you want a bit more of a display? Or maybe you want some choreography on it?”
    ‘They just ask and we do it.’

    The exact first instance of the video being paired with the EDM track "Astronomia" by Tony Igy is unknown. On February 26th, 2020, TikTok[5] user @lawyer_ggmu (previously @khvichagogava) posted the earliest known instance of the meme (made by an unknown author) in which the video, paired with the song, was used as a punchline for a FAIL clip. The TikTok received over 4.5 million views and 474,700 likes in one month.

    But now in 2020 it has become one of the greatest Meme Video and  these are being enjoyed by all.
    If you have not seen any of the memes, you should do that right now.
    Various videos have been surfaced online on Youtube, Tik-Tok, twitter, Facebook which has led people Rolling on the Floor Laughing.

    Just play these meme videos below.

    Another one.
    #coffindance #dancingpallbearer #ghanadancingpallbearer #meme #entertainment #trending #trends #stayhome #staysafe #dancingcoffin #pallbearer #bestmemeof2020 #astronomia #ghanatrends #StayHome #StaySafeComrades #TheBoysAreWaitingForYouToDoSomethingStupid

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