India’s alternative investment funds seek clarification from the government on recently announced tweaks to the FDI, which require prior permission for all the investment made by Chinese Firms in Indian Startups, currently, they are majorly backing tech startups which now is a concern moving forward post COVID-19. 
Startups are worried after the declaration from the Indian government, whether nod will be required to take the follow-up investment from China back startups or not is a question which will be clear moving forward, Nitin Gadkare in a recent interview clearly mentioned that Indian should not express hatred towards China like rest of the World, in fact, they should see as an opportunity for India to welcome investment in the country to revive standstill economy to achieve $5Trillion dream. 

“We are awaiting clarifications from relevant authorities. Till then, we can only wait and watch. Some of our Chinese backers have already expressed their anxiety,” the general partner at a leading early-stage fund on the condition of anonymity.

Chinese investment is expected to pump into the startup ecosystem cross $4Billion in 2019, making China the backbone of the system which raised concern for the privacy and data security. 

Well, these investments follow 2-3 year cycle. Some of the investment is already made and they might change the contract. Looking for another investment firm post-COVID to carry the operation forward would not be less than a nightmare for startups
-@Siddarth Pai, founding partner of 3one4 Capital.

“I think the quality of communication from the regulatory authorities has to improve. At a time like this, the government could have, at the very least, set up a forum or mechanism explaining the reasons for the decision, and invited industry representation. That hasn’t taken place,”
Anand Lunia, founding partner at IndiaQuotient

What India is lacking? 

Investors have realised the lack of Capital investors in India who can help our ecosystem to flourish to give us good returns, employment rate does affect us badly

An article by AVIRAL JAIN

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