Dalgona Coffee
img source - A lovely curation

Dalgona Coffee, one of most interesting coffee trending right now you would want to try or make it by yourself. Brewing a coffee sound easy, right ? But that's not the case with Dalgona Coffee. You surely need to do some hard work if you want to make this perfect Dalgona.

What is Dalgona Coffee

Dalgona Coffee
Dalgona Coffee - Jeniffer Gauld/ Getty image

Let's first know what is this Dalgona Coffee that is trending right now.
A coffee originated in Rajasthan, India and made with only Instant Coffee powder, Hot Water, Sugar & Milk(your choice - Hot or Cold).
With these very basic ingredient you can make Dalgona by yourself, adding a bit of patience gives you perfection.
Dalgona Coffee is a Whipped or beaten coffee preparation topped over milk. It tastes as delicious as it looks.
To be noted ground coffee beans won't give you what you want, hence it would be better to use Instant Coffee powder to make your perfect delicious Dalgona Coffee.

How Dalgona Coffee got it's name

If you are someone from Korea, you must have heard about Dalgona.
Dalgona is a Korean Honeycomb toffee or candy made with Sugar and Baking soda. It gained it's popularity after being presented on a South Korean TV show called Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant.

The lollipop-like sweets come with different shapes imprinted on them. It has been told that if you succeed in eating around the shape without breaking it, the street sellers will give you another one for free.
Source : Wikipedia

Dalgona Coffee Trends

One of the leading coffee-consuming nations in Asia, the coffee culture in South Korea can range from basic premixed coffee to more artistic culinary experiences. Moreover, coffee shops in the country are one of the most preferred places for socialising. With these places being shut because of the coronavirus pandemic, some South Koreans turned to a simple home-made version of the beverage. Dalgona coffee, which is also being dubbed ‘quarantine coffee’, has become a raging trend on social media—with the recipes and photos of the beverage flooding platforms like YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.
It requires three simple ingredients — instant coffee, milk and sugar — and some time to whip. Which is why it’s a quarantine favourite.
The Dalgona coffee is only the latest among a number of other South Korean delicacies which have become increasingly popular in recent years. While Dalgona coffee got catapulted into worldwide fame through a spontaneous social media trend, other South Korean dishes like Kimchi and Bibimbap partly owe their global popularity to concerted efforts by governmental agencies and food industry bodies of South Korea. All these are excellent examples of South Korea’s soft power in the culinary sphere, or in other words, its gastro-diplomacy.
Source : theprint.in

How to make Dalgona Coffee


Various recipes are now surfaced online but the very classic Dalgona Coffee requires equal proportions of Instant Coffee, Sugar & Hot water.
Now comes the main step, Whip all these together. If you are having a hand held electric whipper then you are on the safer side, but if you have just a whipper you have to do some handjob.
Whip these ingredients together till it attains a foamy consistency. It is not an easy job to do, it requires patience and strength in your arms so you can keep on whipping it till the desired consistency is achieved.
In the next step just put this foamy mixture on top of your hot or cold milk. That's all you need to do.
You surely would want to try to make this and enjoy a sip of your hard work.

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